Pastor Theodore Moore III was raised in Douglas Georgia with his eleven siblings by the late Berta Mae and Rosevelt Moore Jr. Pastor Moore gave his life to Christ at the age of 23 and began his journey as a servant. Shortly after giving his life to Christ Pastor Moore married the love of his life Charlene Moore in 1994 and raised five beautiful children; three boys and two girls. In 1995 He joined Glorious Deliverance Family Worship Center, Inc. where he served as a Minister for 22 years under the leadership of Apostle Leviticus Moore Jr. In his time at Glorious Deliverance, Pastor Moore worked as a Fire Fighter for the City of Douglas for 16 years in various capacities. It was in 2016 Pastor Moore accepted the call to Pastorship and founded Kingdom Provision Deliverance Center, Inc. in Cochran Georgia in the year 2017. He and his wife work together serving the Bleckley County and Cochran Community as Bleckley Memorial Hospital's Chaplain. He not only teach the word of God but he lives it in his day to day life both publicly and behind closed doors. He is a man of strong faith and aspires to compel the lost to Christ.